Pink Rose Bouquet

$ 175.00$ 350.00

Indulge in this bouquet of the most exquisite pink roses beautifully gift wrapped for that luxurious touch.  The exact shade of pink will vary depending on suppliers. Select for one of our experienced florists to design it in a vase for extra simplicity. Choose from either 12, 18 or 24 stems.

You can spoil your loved one further by adding handmade Winnow chocolates.  This gift also comes with a lovely gift card for your own personal message.


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Indulge in this bouquet of the most exquisite pink roses beautifully gift wrapped for that luxurious touch.  The exact shade of pink will vary depending on suppliers. Select for one of our experienced florists to design it in a vase for extra simplicity. Choose from either 12, 18 or 24 stems.

You can spoil your loved one further by adding handmade Winnow chocolates.  This gift also comes with a lovely gift card for your own personal message.


Additional information

Sparkling wine and chocolate selections are based on store availabilty and stock.